Video SEO: How to Optimize Videos for Search

Video SEO How to Optimize Videos for Search
Video SEO How to Optimize Videos for Search

You’ve most likely heard the term Search Engine Optimization (SEO) a million times. However, did you know that adding video to your website can considerably improve your SEO efforts and drive more traffic to your website? Nowadays, we can’t browse the internet without seeing a video, and all of us walk with mobiles in our pockets that have the capability to shoot decently high-quality videos anywhere. With the surge of video, it’s become much harder to get ranked in the universal search results.

Although a lot of brands are integrating video content into their total internet marketing methods, many SEOs don’t put high concern on it. Generally, they select producing different other types of content (e.g., infographics, images, composed content, and so on). If used properly, video can be an exceptionally effective kind of content and make a substantial contribution to your overall SEO strategy, in more ways than one.

What is Video SEO?

Video SEO is merely optimizing your video to be indexed and rank on the search engine results pages for relevant keyword searches. There are numerous optimization methods to give your videos a higher opportunity for ranking, which this blog by a leading digital marketing company will describe.

Best Ways to Optimize Your Video for Search

  1. Select The Right Video Hosting Platform

When picking your video hosting platform, you’ll need to think about the reasons why you want your videos to rank. Are you enhancing your video marketing to gain site traffic and brand-new leads? Or is your objective more general thought management and brand awareness? If you’re less worried about getting traffic to your website, and more concentrated on basic brand awareness, YouTube and Vimeo may be choices to explore. If you’re more focused on getting on-site traffic to push leads towards conversion, then checking out alternative hosting platforms that support this ability is the way to go. A digital marketing agency in Pune, India, can help you define the strategy for your video marketing. 

  1. Offer Your Video Some Context

Publishing your video on an otherwise blank page won’t do much. Make sure to embed your video where it makes sense, and surround it with other relevant written and visual content. You might even include records of your video to target more keywords and turn any visual graphics utilized into a downloadable JPEG. The more Google can understand how your video fits into the content on-page, the better your outcomes will be.

  1. Use Engaging Thumbnails For Your Videos

A video thumbnail is a little image you see alongside each video search result and can have an incredible impact on how many individuals really click your videos. Think of it as a book cover or your website’s web page- it requires it to be pertinent & engaging. The videos with thumbnails get 40% more engagement and 25% more click-throughs. Ensure that your video thumbnail is not just appealing however likewise appropriate.

  1. Insert A Video Transcript

As you’re scrolling through your Facebook feed, you likely see a number of videos with captions together with the video so you’re able to view them without disturbing your housemates. The text that couples with your video are known as a video record. Not just do video transcripts make your videos more available to a larger audience, but they likewise make your videos more scrapable by search bots since there’s additional text on the page.

  1. Take notice of the Title and Description of Your Video

Similar to what they do for a blog post, the title and meta description play a factor in ranking videos. Hang around crafting an engaging video title and description. Do keyword research to ensure you’re targeting keywords that individuals are really looking for. Don’t simply stuff the title and description with keywords. Ask yourself, “Is it clickable? Is it intriguing? In this manner, you will be able to curate an intriguing title and description that brings you relevant traffic.

  1. Do Not Embed The Same Video In Multiple Places

Have you ever played a match of football against yourself? Well, that’s essentially what you’d be doing by embedding your video on multiple pages. It’s important to prevent this as there’s no sense in contending against yourself. If your page and video are both appropriate to each other, and you’re wanting to make sure that page and video get ranked, then there’s no sense in embedding the video elsewhere on your social media website.

  1. Pay Attention To The Technical Details

Uploading your video to a site like YouTube or Vimeo is simply the start. Don’t forget to enter the right details on the backend so search engine crawlers know how to categorize and prioritize your video.

YouTube uses different details to create your ranking:

  • Title Tags 
  • Keywords in Description
  • Audience Retention
  • Tags
  • Video length
  • Comments
  • Likes and dislikes

Not each of these is completely in your control (like comments and subscribers, for instance), but deal with the ones you can control so you understand you’ve done whatever in your power to assist your video rank.

The Bottom Line

The very best way to make sure a successful SEO strategy is to utilize composed or “textual” content together with multimedia content like videos and images. The textual content will strengthen the message on your multimedia, signifying to Google that your website is a rich source of details. This mix will increase your opportunities of ranking well. Consistency and dedication are crucial. Work consistently to provide value, and work at ranking not just for one keyword, but for many relevant keywords that match your customers’ search intent. The good news is that you’ll be encouraged to create more content as soon as you see how well it works!

Eventually, a successful SEO content technique varies. So go on and create an abundant multimedia portfolio of videos, podcasts, images, and interactive tools that motivate engagement, link sharing, and conversion in the long run. Not every kind of media will be right for your objectives, of course, so you require to choose what works and focus your efforts on those. To begin on an extensive SEO content strategy, contact us here at Aarna Systems. We are a leading SEO company in Pune, India, and can help your business make videos and optimize them for success. Get in touch with our digital marketing and SEO experts today!

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