Precautiions to take for Cyber Security of eCommerce

Ecommerce has quickly become one of the fastest growing markets in the country. According to a report recently released by Forrester, online retail sales are expected to rise by a nine percent compound annual growth rate. However it contains few risks for all transactions which may lead to financial loss or a breach in privacy. It is therefore the security of eCommerce transactions that is a critical part of the ongoing success and growth of eCommerce.

Consequences of poor e-security

Computers that are not protected from e-security might follow below issues:

• compromise the operating system, enabling a remote attacker to control the computer’s functions
• provide access to sensitive personal information
• be unintentionally exposed to viruses, via email, USB sticks or file downloads
• Corrupt files leading to information loss.

Precautions to take against cyber crime

1) Those websites which deals with financial transactions should use encryption to protect sensitive customer information. Using an SSL certificate is a good way to prevent hackers from accessing credit card and other payment information while it is being transferred across the network. However, SSL certificates need to be updated regularly in order to follow the latest updates in cybersecurity. If your certificate will be expiring, it can harm an ecommerce site in two ways:

– Failing to provide current encryption techniques
– Demonstrating to customers that the protection of their sensitive information is not a major concern.

2) Many ecommerce businesses only use encryption tools when a customer has initiated the checkout phase. However, only encryption tools are not enough, some merchants may consider using always-on SSL resources. Instead of activating the encryption protocols at a certain time, a website will protect the user’s entire session. As the ecommerce industry grows, cybercriminals will increasingly target online retailers. Protect sensitive payment data and build customer trust with an SSL certificate.

3) Always keep your software patches updated, especially on systems that are accessible through your firewall like HTTP, FTP, and DNS.

4) Try to use network compliance solutions that will keep infected device users out of your network.

5) Configure your mail server in such a way that will block or remove email that contains fake attachments like .exe, .bat, .vbs etc. These kinds of mails are generated just to spread viruses.

6) Be updates with your User Management. Monitor your users and their access and access levels frequently to avoid fake users (hackers).

7) Test your systems security on regular basis.

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